
February 15, 2024

Maximize Rewards and Test Your Skills: Monad Passages in Persona 3 Reload

Ethan Lim
Written byEthan LimWriter
Researched byHaruki NakamuraResearcher


Monad Passages in Persona 3 Reload provide an opportunity to test your team's skills while exploring Tartarus. These passages, located alongside border floors, offer exciting rewards that can aid you in your exploration at higher levels.

Maximize Rewards and Test Your Skills: Monad Passages in Persona 3 Reload

Consider Your Team Composition

Before undertaking these tasks, it is recommended to consider your team composition. Knowing what to expect will make it easier to tackle any bosses that may appear and prepare your team without straining them too much.

Monad Passage Locations and Bosses

Here is what you need to know about all Monad Passage locations and the bosses you will face in Persona 3 Reload:

  • The Monad Passages are different from the Monad Doors in Persona 3 Reload.
  • The Monad Passages have a set location, typically before a border door or when heading to the next area.
  • The Monad Doors, on the other hand, appear while you are exploring Tartarus.


Monad Passages in Persona 3 Reload offer an exciting challenge for your team. By considering your team composition and being aware of the locations and bosses, you can better prepare and maximize your rewards. Take on the Monad Passages and test your skills today!

About the author
Ethan Lim
Ethan Lim

Ethan Lim, a native of the Lion City, is Singapore’s rising star in the domain of online casino guide localization. He masterfully blends his intimate knowledge of local culture with international gaming standards to produce content that resonates deeply with Singaporeans.

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